When you have something
inside you,
waiting, patiently or not
to let you know...
You wonder...
When you can't see where it is
or why it is there,
you wait...
Are you happy?
or sad?
maybe scared?
Then you get used to the idea
and no matter what
you have that glow to you.
You wake up every morning
and smile to yourself.
That secret within you
is safe.
Or so you think...
You watch what you do
and be alert to your surroundings.
But, what happens when
it's all taken away.
No longer here.
No longer alive.
Where did it go?
Why did it leave?
Now, you feel empty
a hole is inside you.
You feel as though you have
no reason to live
because your reason
just went away.
Your smile faded yesterday.
Where did it go?
dedicated to: John Peter and Destiny Faith
This is my second poem.
I, once had you inside of me,
a baby,
and making me glow.
You weren't with me long
I lost you
and I don't know why
One day you were here,
and the next in my hand.
I look at other people's babies
and cry.
Did I do something to make
you die?
Was I too happy?
Or not happy enough?
I long to change the past
to let your tiny soul last
I hope you're up there in Heaven
watching over your Mama
I miss you, little person,
whoever and whatever
you would've grown up to be.
Some say it's for the better,
others it was best
There could've been something wrong,
they say,
or you're too young.
But, don't they know,
don't they understand, I wouldn't have cared?
No matter what, I loved you
for the short time you lived
and I only wish I could
have you here
I know your birthday is coming up
and I will cry
for on that day,
it was meant to be
You and Me
Mother and her child.
A dream come true at last.
But, Destiny had another plan.
So, I lay you down to rest
in a memory
and a dream
Hoping you're in a better place
that was meant to be
with God!
Hoping that you know all the love I hold for you
and someday we will be together forever.
dedicated to John Peter and Destiny Faith
We lost you just days ago
and to some you may be forgotten,
To others a part of the past,
But to those who loved and lost you,
The memories will always last.
Dedicated to John and Destiny
I see you above me,
behind me,
next to me,
around me... watching every move I make.
I know you're guarding me,
my angel
I feel you touching me
to make sure I know that you're here
and I do know when you're here,
and I know you're here now.
You want me to go on yet you want me to hold on
as tight as I can.
Don't worry little one, I'll never let go
The "bond" is strong.
You've been gone so long
yet it's just been a blink of an eye
like your death.
No warning,
just gone,
dreams shattered.
hopes lost.
But, I won't forget
the baby inside me.
The baby I gave life too.
I never felt you move,
my ears never heard you cry,
but my heart hears you everyday.
Sometimes I feel as though
I can't go on, not without you
but I push and push
till I have no more strength,
then I sit holding your blanket
and cry.
Dedicated to John and Destiny
These are my newest poems:
I prayed
and you came
my little miracle I thanked God when I knew
and asked if I could keep you
He said yes
I remembered your brother and sister
and knew I would love you
just as much as them
I prayed you would be born
Now I wait
One day at a time
Every day that goes by
is one closer to the day
I get to gold you in my arms
and every day is another day that
God let me keep you
I look to tomorrow with
excitement and fear
Dedicated to "Promise" due October 27, 1997
Another new poem
When I was a lil girl
I asked God for a promise
He said “When you are older”
So, I waited
When I was older
I asked God to fulfill my request
He gave me a taste
of what the promise would be
And then told me, “It is not time yet”
I cried for a long time
and understood
So, I waited
When I was older
I asked God to bless me
with the promise
God said, “Okay, but be careful,
if the promise is to finish,
you must live right.”
I understood
God gave me my Promise
Now, everyday I remember my
promise with God as I
feel PROMISE living inside of me
I only pray I live well enough
I live worthy enough
for God to let my Promise
live and be born.
And the last new poem
Mama’s Lil Angels
Angels are a gift from God
Every one important and here
to do a job
Not many people see them
Most don’t believe
but God has made angels
to guard us
to guide us
to help us
Sometimes God needs a special
person to be an angel
and He takes one of His children Home
We, as humans, grieve,
and ask why
and God comforts us
Sometimes God needs an
extra special person to be an angel
and sometimes that angel isn’t yet on Earth
but on his or her way to Earth
and sometimes that angel
has only lived on Earth
for a very brief time
God has a hard time taking
these precious angels
but He has a special place
for them to be
Mama’s cry for their babies
unborn or born
Sometimes their faith is shaken
and they yell at God
This saddens God
and he whispers down
to the Mamas
“Your lil one is now an angel
A special angel.
A baby angel.
I needed your baby to come
Home and help me
Your baby is so loved
An unconditional love
So wonderful
it is unexplainable
Take comfort in knowing
your baby is with Me”
The mother nods and is comforted
but still cries “My baby...”
And God says “is now your angel”
Dedicated to John Peter and Destiny Faith
"Not in our Arms, but in our Hearts and Heaven forever."
Angels or My